The Benefits Of
Annual Family Travel Insurance
It does not matter if you are looking for annual family travel insurance or single trip family insurance... you will have to consider the same things, i.e. what kind of travel insurance cover you want for you and your family.

Buying annual travel
insurance can save you money
You can save money with family holiday insurance travel policy, i.e. rather than taking out an individual insurance policy for each member of your family. It though depends on the size of your family.
For big families this definitely means cheap family holiday insurance travel policy but one-child families might be better off buying separate couple and child policies.
Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance can also be a better value than single trip insurance, especially if all family members can travel separately from the rest of the family. This means you do not have to travel number of times together as a family every year to benefit from the annual family travel insurance. It is enough that some members of your family are travelling more than few times a year.
What To Have In Mind When Buying
Annual Family Travel Insurance
The first important thing to consider is the travel insurance company definition of family. This can vary greatly between insurance providers, though most have expanded their definition somewhat from the traditional “married couple with their biological children”. Most providers now classify couples as two adults who share an address, i.e. do not have to be married and can be of same sex. This is though not always the case - so never assume, do check.
Not sure what your travel insurance should include? The Best Travel Insurance for you and your trip should be based on your personal circumstances and your travel needs
Increased number of insurance companies also recognizes the diverse nature of modern families and have more flexible attitude to families and groups. For example, most insurance companies offer reduced rates for single parent families, i.e. so that they can still enjoy the financial benefits offered by a family policy.
On the other hand, most annual family travel insurance policies do not include parents or grandparent aged 65 or over. If they do, then it is usually at greatly increased premium.
It is likely to be more cost effective to take out separate travel insurance for seniors than include them in the annual cheap family insurance travel.
Premiums for family travel insurance can depend on the number of children and their age. Several insurance providers offer a standard policy regardless of the number of children and their age.
However, the age limit can vary greatly between insurance companies. Some define children only up to 16 years while others class full time students as children up to 23 years of age.
Some annual family travel insurance policies include children “for free”. That does though not automatically mean that the total family cover is cheaper than if all family members are priced separately. Always compare the total cost and what cover you get for your money. The cost is of course important but even more important is that your family is adequately covered.
Several travel insurance companies allow children under certain age to travel separately from their parents. This can be important benefit for some families while not relevant for others.

Consider your family needs
when choosing your insurance cover
Some family travel policies allow children to travel only on supervised trips with schools and organizations.
Few insurance companies allow older children (usually older than 16) to travel unaccompanied, but usually older teens travelling alone will have to take out separate insurance policy.
The most important thing to consider when buying annual family travel insurance is though the content of the insurance cover, i.e. what is included in the policy. Your family is priceless so you want your family to be as protected as possible.
Your family is priceless so you want your family to be as protected as possible.
That is why you should start by considering your family needs carefully when choosing family holiday insurance travel policy. There are various ways to keep the insurance policy cost down, i.e. the excess limit. There are some things you might be happy with excluding or compromising on, i.e. missed flights or lost baggage... while there are others you should avoid compromising on, i.e. the extend of the emergency medical cover.
Most insurance companies offer basic cheap family holiday insurance travel policies and then allow you to add various extra covers for increased premium. This is great in the respect that it allows you to customize your annual family travel insurance, i.e. to fit your family specific insurance needs.
However, all the extras can add up quickly. Sometimes you can get standard annual cheap family insurance travel package with comprehensive cover that will adequately suit your family insurance needs. Always compare the total cost and what cover you get for your money.
Our tips on Saving Money On Travel Insurance will help you to find the cheapest travel holiday insurance for your needs.