Air Travel Tips
That Enhance Your Air Travel
Our air travel tips provide practical information and advice about key things to have in mind when travelling by air. You will find advice on the whole air travel process from buying your airline ticket, checking in and airline luggage restriction rules, how to get quickly through airport security, how you can easily improve your comfort when flying, and practical advice on how you can save money through out.
There is also advice for special requirements, such as advice on flying during pregnancy, and what you can do to overcome fear of flying.
Buying And Booking Air Travel Tickets
There are many things to consider when buying and booking your flight. Our Air Travel Booking Tips assist you to navigate your way around the complicated airlines pricing structure, i.e. where and when to buy your flight and when to travel.

The first decision is where to buy your air travel tickets, should you book on-line or use an agent? Booking On-line is the most convenient way to book flights, though there are some advantages dealing directly with travel specialists.
Be careful not to make any mistakes when making your travel booking on-line, mistakes can be costly.
Then you must decide when to buy your air travel tickets. Will you get better price if you book them well in advance or should you try to find some last minute deals?
As always there are pros and cons with either method but for standard air travel tickets satisfying results can usually be achieved somewhere in between. Most air travel tips specialists recommend booking flights at least 6 - 8 weeks prior to travelling.
When you travel can on the other hand seriously affect the price you have to pay for your air travel tickets. The more flexible you are - the better price you are likely to get.
We explain the difference between travel search engines and travel booking sites and look at how they can help you To Find Last Minute And Cheaper Flights.
You can usually choose your seat at time of booking and it is advisable to do so. We help you to Choose The Best Airline Seat.
Air Travel Tips
For Getting To The Airport And Checking-In
Air travel tips offer practical advice for getting to the airport and when checking-in.
You can check your Airline Flight Status on-line and even track airlines flights. This can be very useful as flight delays can be very inconvenient.
Sometimes people forget to consider the cost of getting to and from the airport. The quickest and/or cheapest way for you to travel to and from the airport will depend on many things, like how far away you live from the airport, how many people are travelling together, etc.
Driving your own car is usually the most convenient way of getting to and from the airport but if you drive there yourself you must consider the fuel cost as well as the parking fees. Shopping around for car parking can save you fair amount of money, as might choosing another mode of transportation, like taking train or bus.

Taking taxi might even be cheaper than parking your car, especially if going on longer journeys. You might even consider renting a car for the day and drop it off at the airport on your departure and hire again when you come back... dropping it off in your home town.
Nowadays many people check-in on-line prior to going to the airport. Most airlines offer on-line checking-in services 24 hours prior to the flight departure time, enabling you to print your boarding pass. The only thing you need to do when you get the airport is to check in your luggage.
If you are travelling with carry-on luggage only, you can go directly to the departure gate when you arrive at the airport, saving you considerable amount of time. Just make sure you do not exceed your Airline Carry On Luggage Restrictions.
If you are checking in luggage then you must drop your bag(s) off at the relevant bag drop-off desk. Airline luggage weight limits are getting stricter all the time and increased numbers of airlines have started charging extra for check-in luggage. Charges for exceeding the airline luggage weight limits are steep, so you should always check your Airline Luggage Restrictions prior to packing your bags.
Luggage Scales help you to stay within the luggage allowance limits and can over time save you considerable amount in excess luggage fees.
Whether you are travelling with carry-on luggage only or checking in... make sure you know the air travel rules for which baggage items are prohibited, or restricted, in airport and airplanes.
Air Travel Tips While In The Air
We offer variety of air travel tips intended to make your flight as safe and comfortable as possible.
What you wear when flying can truly affect how comfortable you will feel during your flight. The best travel clothes are both comfortable and practical. Wearing layers are the most Comfortable And Practical Travel Clothes you can get as the temperature in airplanes can vary considerably during a flight. Airport terminals can also be warmer or cooler so wearing layers makes perfect sense.

International air travel, especially busy long haul flights, can be tiring experience. There are many products available that can make your flight more comfortable.
We have chosen our favorite In-Flight Comfort Products. Most of them are highly suitable for other travels as well, for example on car or train journeys.
We offer practical air travel tips on how to be considerate towards your fellow passengers, including when boarding and disembarking the plane. Imagine how more enjoyable flying would be if everyone followed our Air Plane Travel Etiquette Tips.
Pregnant women understandable tend to be concerned about the safety of flying during pregnancy. Flying as such is not harmful for moms to be or the baby, so if the pregnancy is without complications then there is no reason why pregnant women cannot travel safely. The best time for Flying During Pregnancy is however between 14 and 28 weeks pregnant.
Flying when pregnant can though slightly increase the risk of developing some health related problems. This risk is still minimal but you can reducing it even further by taking some simple Pregnancy And Flying Precautions.
We also discuss air travel tips for how to beat jetlag, information how to minimize the risk of getting DVT (deep vein thrombosis), advice for those that have fear of flying and more practical air travel tips.
Air Travel Safety Tips
Fortunately travelling by air is relatively safe way of travelling, if not the safest. However, you should still familiarize yourself with the main air travel safety and security regulations.
We offer air travel safety tips about airport security, airline screenings safety procedures, how to find information about airlines safety records, safety and security standards on board airplanes, and more.
Fear Of Flying
Fear of flying is real problem for many people and can be very debilitating. Some people experience severe anxiety every time they have to fly, while others do not fly at all. In those cases, fear of flying can have negative effect on both the private and professional life.
The good news is that you can Overcome Fear Of Flying. Sometimes it is even relatively easy to do, while other times it takes much more time and effort.
Ps. airlines can go bankrupt, resulting in considerable inconvenience and cost for air travelers. Know your rights and what measures you can take to minimize the risk in case your Airline Goes Bust.
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